An easy guide to using SVN!

What the deuce is SVN?
SVN Stands for Subversion, and is used by Addon developers to post changes and distribute them to the player seamlessly. This means that Your addons will stay up to date without having to re-download them.

Getting and Setting up SVN
For this, we'll be using Tortoise SVN as it is the best program for Subversioning (in my opinion anyway).

Something Important to Note!
Know Your processor's Bit (Older processors are usually 32-bit, while newer ones are 64-bit)
If you're unsure, stick with 32-bit, as it works on both

Downloading Tortoise SVN
You can get Tortoise SVN for Your operating system at

Installing Tortoise SVN
The installation process is like any other. If You're unsure about something during the installation, stick with the default choices (Of course make sure you Accept the license agreement).

It may ask You to restart Your computer, but most of the time this step isn't necessary.

Using Tortoise SVN
As Tortoise SVN is a service (Meaning it runs in the background as part of windows), there is no program You need to run.

Step 1. Navigate to Your addons folder inside of Your garrysmod folder.
Usually located in Your Program Files>Steam>Steamapps>Your Username>garrysmod>garrysmod>addons

Step 2. Create a new folder, either by right clicking or pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N (on windows), and name it appropriately (Usually after the Addon You're getting)

Step 3. Right Click that folder and click "SVN Checkout..."
(Note! It may require You to restart Your computer if You're not seeing SVN Checkout in the menu)

Step 4a. A new window pops up, asking You to input the link to the Addon You're trying to get.

Step 4b. Enter or Paste the link to the addon (A few are listed below the tutorial), and leaving everything else as default, Press OK

Step 5. A new window will show up, and after a few seconds, Tortoise SVN will acquire the addon files. Sit back, relax, or do something else, as it may take a while depending on the size of the Addon.
It'll tell You when it's done downloading. You are ready to use Your new addon in game.

Updating Addon Using Tortoise SVN
A very simple step to keep Your addons updated
To do so, rightclick Your folder that You've created and downloaded the addon in to and click "SVN Update..."
It'll bring up a similar window like the one You got when You downloaded the files. It might take a while depending on the amount of files updated

Note the Checkmark? It means that an addon has been downloaded with SVN and is up to date! If it ever gives You a Red Exclamation mark, Your addon is Out of Date!

A few useful SVN Links!
(Note! Wiremod and SProps are now available on the Workshop, and therefore don't need to be downloaded with SVN anymore!)

ACF - Armored Combat Framework (engines and boom boom)

Propellers - Everything Planes.

More to come, but these are pretty big ones on Server #1.

Need help? Complaints? Free money for a poor Soldier? Feel free to PM me!
Here is the link you should be using

If it doesn't work, you need to update your SVN client.
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